The Lunatic

Patrick Smith
9 min readJul 16, 2021

Before we begin, dear reader, let me ask you a question: Can you hear the voice in your head? Surely you can. What is it saying to you? Don’t you hear it? It goes on and on and on, chattering away. Even in this moment, as you try to read this story, it goes on chattering! How impolite! Give it some attention. Listen with new ears. What is it saying to you, dear reader? Is this voice you? Who are you, really? Are you, you? Our little story will examine these questions. Follow me, let us see what we can discover together.

Like you, I have a voice in my head too. How strange it is, up until very recently, I…



Patrick Smith

My name is Patrick, and I like to write things. Unity Ascending is the name of my blog. I enjoy writing short stories about the supernatural and unexplained.