The Book Nook

Patrick Smith
12 min readJan 22, 2024

Hour six has just passed on my drive to Wimberly. I have no idea why my GPS routed me the way it has. If I had stayed on 35 I would have arrived two hours ago. God, I hope Grandpa is not waiting up for me. It will be far past his bedtime by the time I get there. If he is awake, he will surely be irritated. I am not entirely sure where I am, but judging by the terrain, I am somewhere in the hill country. It has been almost an hour since the last town I saw, and even that I did not recognize. There have been a few houses off the side of the road, but those are few and far between. The GPS is instructing me to stay on this road for…



Patrick Smith

My name is Patrick, and I like to write things. Unity Ascending is the name of my blog. I enjoy writing short stories about the supernatural and unexplained.