Statement 352: The Visitor

Patrick Smith
4 min readAug 2, 2022

When I begin to recount the events of that day, I must admit I feel a bit of reluctance. Perhaps also I feel a sense of dread. This is mainly due to the strange nature of the situation itself, and because the feelings of unease have not left me since. I understand that you are an investigator of these sorts of things, and so surely you will be patient with me as I go through the details as best I can.

It was a beautiful summer day, almost exactly one year ago. The heat, as I recall, was not as intense as it is this summer. I decided that I would take a walk at the park. It was early…



Patrick Smith

My name is Patrick, and I like to write things. Unity Ascending is the name of my blog. I enjoy writing short stories about the supernatural and unexplained.